EAIS 2012 2012 IEEE Conference on Evolving and Adaptive Intelligent Systems Deadline extended: February, 15. 2012. This EAIS Edition will be held in Madrid, Spain, between May 17-18, 2012. One of the important research challenges today is to develop new…
Year: 2012
CALL FOR PAPERS: Enaction: Challenges and Successes We are pleased to announce the AISB symposium “Enaction: Challenges and Successes” to take place during the AISB Annual Convention 2013, Univ. Exeter, UK, April 2-5th, 2013. http://emps.exeter.ac.uk/computer-science/research/aisb/ Enaction represents one…
Paper submissions and special session proposals are invited to the International Conference on Brain Inspired Cognitive Systems (http://sentic.net/bics ) to be held in Beijing next June. TIMEFRAME • February 1st, 2013: Due date for special session proposals • February…
conference session on General Intelligence in Embodied Agents, as part of an IEEE Symposium on Human-Level AI WHEN/WHERE : 15 Mon -19 Fri April 2013, Singapore PAPER SUBMISSION DEADLINE: December 12 (12-12-12, midnight GMT), no further extensions Please…
II Workshop ReteCog on Interaction 2013 17-18th January, 2013 Zaragoza, Spain http://retecog2013.unizar.es Scope In the aftermath of Turing’s anniversary, who famously proposed an interactive test of intelligence, the Spanish Network of Research in Cognitive Science –ReteCog- has chosen “INTERACTION”…
ASSC16, Brighton, UK, July 02-06 2012 The 16th meeting of the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness http://www.theassc.org/conferences/assc_16 We are delighted to announce that the 16th meeting of the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness will take place…
Searle on the Mind-Body Problem The following video is a short excerpt from an interview to John Searle about his book Intentionality and Minds, Brains and Science. Will computers ever achieve consciousness? John Searle, Ph.D., is a professor of philosophy…
Vol. 1 of the World Scientific Series on Machine Consciousness ARISTOTLE’S LAPTOP The Discovery of our Informational Mind by Igor Aleksander (Imperial College London, UK) & Helen Morton (Imperial College London, UK) Aristotle’s convincing philosophy is likely to have shaped…
CALL FOR PAPERS: ‘IMPACTS AND RISKS OF ARTIFICIAL GENERAL INTELLIGENCE’ (AGI IMPACTS 2012) 10-11.12.2012, OXFORD http://www.winterintelligence.org/oxford2012/agi-impacts/cfp/ The first conference on the Impacts and Risks of Artificial General Intelligence will take place at the University of Oxford, St. Anne’s College, on…
World Scientific Series on Machine Consciousness – Vol. 2 CONSCIOUSNESS AND ROBOT SENTIENCE by Pentti O.A. Haikonen Available now for pre-order at World Scientific and Amazon! Robots are becoming more human, but could they also become sentient and have human-like…