Raúl Arrabales Moreno

Cognitive Neuroscience – Artificial Intelligence – Machine Consciousness

II ReteCog Workshop on Interaction 2013

II Workshop ReteCog on Interaction 2013

17-18th January, 2013
Zaragoza, Spain


In the aftermath of Turing’s anniversary, who famously proposed an interactive test of intelligence, the Spanish Network of Research in Cognitive Science –ReteCog- has chosen “INTERACTION” as the topic of its second meeting. The thematic network ReteCog is inspired by the “European Network for the Advancement of Artificial Cognitive Systems” (EuCognition). With the support of the Ministry of Science and Innovation of the Spanish Government, ReteCog aims to consolidate an interdisciplinary research network, composed by teams from 11 universities and the Spanish Science Research Council, in order to improve the understanding of cognitive systems, within the framework of the Spanish Research system.
The “II Workshop ReteCog on Interaction-2013” will be articulated through two main symposia, one on “The dynamics of agent-environment interaction” that will cover experimental and theoretical contributions to the understanding of agent-environment interactions from a dynamicist perspective, and one on “Social and emotional interaction” where the question of how to relate the role of emotions and interactive processes in the understating of other people´s minds will also be raised. Participants will have the opportunity to take part in workshops, keynote speeches and networking events involving academic experts and prestigious international researchers. It will hopefully give assistants the chance to learn about hot topics, outstanding perspectives and current results in the area of “Cognitive interaction”.

Submission of contributions

The “II Workshop ReteCog on Interaction-2013” invites contributions in issues related to the themes of both symposia (ecological psychology, perception-action coupling, sensorimotor contingencies and cognition, situated models of agent-environment interaction, philosophy of dynamical, situated and enactive approaches to cognitive science, self-organization and behavioural neuroscience, etc.). Researchers from these areas are all expected contributors or participants.


The workshop and plenary conferences will be held at the Paraninfo Building of the University of Zaragoza from the 17th to the 18th of January 2013. Zaragoza is a lively and historical Spanish city, capital of the Aragón Region. It is located in the centre of Northeast Spain and is very well communicated with other major cities, lying in the centre of the Madrid-Barcelona and Valencia-Bilbao.

Important Dates

* Submission deadline: December, 3rd, 2012.
* Notification of acceptance: December, 17th, 2012.
* Conference: 17–18th January, 2013.


Dr. Manuel G. Bedia
Dpt. Computer Science, University of Zaragoza (Spain)
Email: mgbedia unizar es

Raúl Arrabales

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