The following list is a compilation of bibliographic search engines and scientific paper indexes, where you can look for publications related to your areas of interest. Note that given my particular area of interest (Machine Consciousness) I have focused on…
Author: Raúl Arrabales
The UEM Computer Science Symposium is a seven years old event hold at the Villaviciosa de Odon campus of the European University of Madrid. The aim of this symposium is to get computer science students and technology companies together. This…
The Huggable project started in the MIT Media Lab (The Robotic Life Group) in 2005. The Huggable is a new type of robotic companion for healthcare, education, and social communication. It is inspired in traditional companion animal therapy. The Huggable…
Scientists at the Massachusetts General Hospital have combined a normally inactive lidocaine derivative with capsaicin, the ‘heat’-generating ingredient in chili peppers, to produce pain-specific local anesthesia. When injected into rats, this combination completely blocked pain without interfering with either motor…
CB2 (Child-robot with Biomimetic Body) is a young android created by Japanese researchers Minoru Asada and Hiroshi Ishiguro (who famously created an android twin of himself). The following video shows this silicone skin baby bot rolling around and trying to kind-of…
The robotic carp developed by Ryomei Engineering (a subsidiary of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries) is a curious example of a fish robot. This remote-controlled metal fish resembles to a koi carp, and it’s actually a great catch: 80 cm and 12 Kg. The following video shows the smooth…
A new version of the famous Asimo robot was presented last month in Barcelona, Spain. In addition to the former features of this humanoid model, the new version of Asimo features a streamlined design and is able to perform receptionist…
Measuring Machine Consciousness ConsScale is a tool for assessing the functional level of consciousness of a creature. It has been specifically designed for the evaluation of Machine Consciousness implementations. Now a ConsScale microsite is available where you can explore the…
Explorer Sim Sonar Service The ExplorerSimSonar Service is a modification of MSRS Explorer which works with the simulated sonar, instead of using the Simulated Laser Range Finder. It is based on the ExplorerSim service, which is an adaptation of the…
AI Forums: Language Mind and Consciousness. This AI Forum is dedicated to the problem of language, mind, and consciousness. Background The manipulation of natural human language by a computer, a major research track inside artificial intelligence, at first seemed like…