Do robots dream of God? This is a controversial question raised many times in Hollywood movies. However, in recent years scientists and theologians are looking at the possible implications of Strong Artificial Intelligence. The possibility of a future in which…
Author: Raúl Arrabales
It was a matter of time that Microsoft Robotics Studio had a competitor. Last month Gostai released URBI 1.0 RC2. Release candidate 1 was out just the same month (December 2006) Microsoft released their version 1.0 of MSRS. URBI is…
Robots and Human Safety It seems that some governments are taking very seriously the possibility of the everyday use of robots in society. Japan and South Korea are worried about human safety in a world where many critical tasks can…
These are some excerpts from an interview with Daniel Dennett. The series are titled Understanding Genetics. Points of View. Source: Questions are very much related with the content of two of the Books written by Dennett: ‘Darwin’s Dangerous Idea:…
The Pioneer 3 DX is a robot base platform by MobileRobots Inc. (ActivMedia Robotics). This wheeled robot has been updated in its P3-DX8 version to carry loads more robustly and improve autonomy. Although the P3-DX offers an embedded computer option…
I-Cybie Review: I-Cybie robotic pet is manufactured by Silverlit Electronics and commercialized worldwide by several toy vendors. It comes in three colors: blue, gold and transparent cover. This pet robot is quite close to a Sony Aibo in terms of…
By Bernard J. Baars Published 1988 Cambridge University Press Psychology 448 pages ISBN 0521427436 Conscious experience is one of the most difficult and thorny problems in psychological science. Its study has been neglected for many years, either because it was…
Paperback: 528 pages Publisher: Back Bay Books (October 20, 1992) Language: English ISBN-10: 0316180661 ISBN-13: 978-0316180665 Editorial Reviews (from Consciousness is notoriously difficult to explain. On one hand, there are facts about conscious experience–the way clarinets sound, the way…
Autor Owen Holland publicado 2003 Imprint Academic Psychology 250 páginas ISBN 090784524X Can a machine really have feelings? Well, even a humble thermostat knows when it gets too hot — and can do something about it. But can a…
Autor Igor Aleksander publicado 1996 Imperial College Press Psychology ISBN 1860940366 “Machine intelligence is one of the most vital subjects for the future, perhaps the most important of all. No one is better at explaining it than Igor Aleksander, one…