Raúl Arrabales Moreno

Cognitive Neuroscience – Artificial Intelligence – Machine Consciousness

Author: Raúl Arrabales

CALL FOR PAPERS: ‘IMPACTS AND RISKS OF ARTIFICIAL GENERAL INTELLIGENCE’ (AGI IMPACTS 2012) 10-11.12.2012, OXFORD http://www.winterintelligence.org/oxford2012/agi-impacts/cfp/ The first conference on the Impacts and Risks of Artificial General Intelligence will take place at the University of Oxford, St. Anne’s College, on…

“Cognition and Consciousness” Retecog Summer School 2012 5-8 June 2012, Menorca, Spain. http://summerschool.retecog.net/ Invited Lecturers: Kevin O’Regan, Anil Seth, Ap Dijsterkuis & Arne Öhman. Introduction The Retecog Network fosters interdisciplinary collaboration to promote the advancement of Cognitive Science in Spain….

Robotica 2012: 12th International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions April 11, 2012, Guimarães, Portugal  The 12th International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions  (www.Robotica2012.org/EC) is an international scientific meeting in the field of autonomous robotics, and related…

Call for Papers Advances in Cognitive and Emotional Information Processing (ACEIP)  Submissions are invited for a special session on Advances in Cognitive and Emotional Information Processing (ACEIP) to be held within the 2012 International Symposium on Neural Networks (ISNN), taking…

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