AND Corporation has developed and commercialized a process known as Holographic Neural Technology. AND Corporation has developed a rather complete neuro-morphic model of the brain, based upon Holographic/Quantum neural technology (“H.Ne.T.”). They have been distributing these systems for some years now….
Category: Artificial Intelligence
Pentti Haikonen comments invited by editor on the recent article about Haikonen’s Architecture for Conscious Machines written by Trung Doan. I wish to thank Trung Doan for his analysis of my approach towards machine consciousness here. Trung Doan has done a lot of…
Pentti Haikonen’s architecture for conscious machines By Trung Doan (doanviettrung a_t gmail dot com). Haikonen’s contribution to the machine-consciousness endeavor is an architecture based on cognitive principles. He also developed some electronic microchips as a first step to building a machine…
AAAI 2008 Fall Symposium Series Arlington, Virginia — November 5–7, 2009 The challenge of designing a human-level learner is central to creating a real-life computational equivalent of the human mind. It demands the level of robustness and flexibility of learning…
{mosimage} BICS 2010: Brain-Inspired Cognitive Systems Conference Madrid, Spain, July 14-16, 2010 Ricardo Sanz, General Chair Sponsored by ICSC [Due to several requests, the submission deadline for BICS 2010 has been extended to: January 18, 2010] BICS 2010 is a…
Knowledge, Understanding and Consciousness 12 October 2009, St. Louis, MO, USA Workshop on Machine Consciousness within the KIMAS’09 Conference There is an increasing interest in investigating the possibility of equipping machines with consciousness mechanisms. The rationale behind it may be…
2nd International Seminar on New Issues in Artificial Intelligence February 2 – 6, 2009 Carlos III University of Madrid Colmenarejo Campus Avda. Universidad Carlos III, 22 28270 Colmenarejo (Madrid) SPAIN Organized by ScALAB (CAOS, EVANNAI, GIAA, PLG) Artificial Intelligence Lab at…
BRAINMAKERS: How scientists are moving beyond computers to create a rival to the human brain. By David H. Freeman. Touchstone. 1995. 224 pages. English. ISBN: 067151055X This is a somewhat old book that I found some time ago in a…
Editor-in-Chief: Amir Hussain, PhD ISSN: 1866-9956 (print version) Journal no. 12559 Springer New York Cognitive Computation is an international, peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary journal that publishes cutting-edge articles describing original basic and applied work involving biologically-inspired computational accounts of all aspects of…
Toward a Science of Consciousness 2009 Announcement and Call for Papers Investigating Inner Experience Brain, Mind, Technology Hong Kong, China, June 11-14, 2009 Long a meeting place for Eastern and Western ideas and the media capital of Asia, Hong…