II Workshop ReteCog on Interaction 2013 17-18th January, 2013 Zaragoza, Spain http://retecog2013.unizar.es Scope In the aftermath of Turing’s anniversary, who famously proposed an interactive test of intelligence, the Spanish Network of Research in Cognitive Science –ReteCog- has chosen “INTERACTION”…
Category: Cognitive Science
ASSC16, Brighton, UK, July 02-06 2012 The 16th meeting of the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness http://www.theassc.org/conferences/assc_16 We are delighted to announce that the 16th meeting of the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness will take place…
Searle on the Mind-Body Problem The following video is a short excerpt from an interview to John Searle about his book Intentionality and Minds, Brains and Science. Will computers ever achieve consciousness? John Searle, Ph.D., is a professor of philosophy…
BICA 2012 http://bicasociety.org/2012/ Annual International Conference on Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures (BICA), Third Annual Meeting of the BICA Society Palermo, Italy, October 31st – November 3rd Sponsored by: BICA Society University of Palermo CALL FOR PAPERS The challenge of creating…
“Cognition and Consciousness” Retecog Summer School 2012 5-8 June 2012, Menorca, Spain. http://summerschool.retecog.net/ Invited Lecturers: Kevin O’Regan, Anil Seth, Ap Dijsterkuis & Arne Öhman. Introduction The Retecog Network fosters interdisciplinary collaboration to promote the advancement of Cognitive Science in Spain….
Call for Papers Advances in Cognitive and Emotional Information Processing (ACEIP) Submissions are invited for a special session on Advances in Cognitive and Emotional Information Processing (ACEIP) to be held within the 2012 International Symposium on Neural Networks (ISNN), taking…
ReteCog.Net 2011 Workshop The Architectures of Mind Workshop ReteCog.Net 2011: The architectures of Mind Dates: 4-6 July Venue: ASLab, Madrid, Spain ReteCog 2011 is centered around the major topic of COGNITIVE ARCHITECTURE. Unveiling the architecture of the mind is a cornerstone…
The Cognitive Science Society is a cross-disciplinar association of researchers with a common goal:understanding human mind. Typical disciplines include Artificial Intelligence, Neuroscience, and Philosophy. More information at: http://cognitivesciencesociety.org/
The Sackler Centre for Consciousness Science (SCCS) at the University of Sussex has been recently founded SCCS web site: http://www.sussex.ac.uk/sackler/index Founded in 2010 with a generous donation from the Mortimer and Theresa Sackler Foundation, the Sackler Centre for Consciousness Science (SCCS)…
How to Make a Robot that Feels This article is divided in two parts: A summary of Kevin O’Regan keynote talk at CogSys 2010 by Raúl Arrabales. An invited extended discussion about the self and the role of action in…