Raúl Arrabales Moreno

Cognitive Neuroscience – Artificial Intelligence – Machine Consciousness


Dr. Raúl Arrabales MorenoRaúl Arrabales Moreno

Mission: To drive responsible and strategic AI adoption, empowering organizations to harness AI for innovation and business transformation.

Bio: Raúl holds a Ph.D. in Artificial Intelligence, along with degrees in Clinical Psychology, Computer Science, and an MBA. With over 20 years of experience in AI strategy, adoption, and enablement, he has worked across academic, cross-industry, and corporate settings, helping organizations navigate the complexities of AI implementation. He has held key roles at leading global companies, including IBM, CommScope, Orange, Capgemini, Accenture, and DataRobot. Currently, he serves as an AI Coach at BASF, where he fosters AI literacy and drives large-scale AI adoption.

Higher Education

2017-2019 MSc in Clinical Psychology 
International University of La Rioja (UNIR).
2017-2018 Postgraduate Program in Coaching Psychology
Complutense University of Madrid (UCM).
2012-2017 BSc in Psychology
Major in Clinical Psychology and Treatment of Mental Disorders (UNED).
2011-2012 Executive MBA
Master in Business Administration (EOI Business School).
2006-2011 PhD in Artificial Intelligence
Carlos III University of Madrid. Computer Science and Technology programme. Summa Cum Laude distinction, Quality Distinction, European Doctorate distinction.
2004-2005 MSc in Computer Science and Technology
Carlos III University of Madrid (UC3M).
1999-2001 BSc in Computer Science
Carlos III University of Madrid (UC3M).
1994-1998 BEng in Computer Engineering
Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM).

Industry / Professional Experience

2024 – Now BASF – Global Digital Services. Data & AI Coach
Driving AI transformation and value realization across the organization.
2023 – 2024 Psicobōtica. Founder & CEO
Generative AI applied to Pyschology.
2023 – 2024 Independent Senior AI Advisor
Helping organizations with their Predictive and Generative AI projects.
2018 – 2024 IE University. Artificial Intelligence Professor
Associate professor at the IE School of Human Sciences and Technology.
2021 – 2023 DataRobot. Senior Data Scientist – Southern Europe & Emerging Markets
Senior Pre-Sales Customer Facing Data Scientist.
2015 – 2021 ESIC Business & Marketing School. Asoc. Professor
Associate professor at ESIC. Big Data, AI, Customer Intelligence, Data Science.
2017 – 2021 Serendeepia Research & Psicobōtica. Partner & Co-founder
Innovative AI product development based on Machine Learning and Deep Learning.
2015 – 2017 Accenture. Analytics Senior Manager 
Managing large Big Data Analytics projects. Accenture AI.
2014 – 2015 Altran (Capgemini). Analytics & Insights Solution Manager
Solution Manager for Data Science, Analytics & Insights (cross-industry).
2014 – 2017 MBIT School. Academic Director and Lecturer
Director of the Academic Department (until Oct. 2014). Lecturer in Data Science.
2012 – 2014 UCJC. Digital Content Development Area Manager
Management of the Digital Technology Area at U-Tad. Strategy & Innovation.
2010 – 2012 Comaware. Co-Founder & CEO
Novel AI technology for believable human-like behavior in artificial agents.
2006 – 2012 Carlos III Univ. of Madrid. Researcher & Assist. Professor
PhD in Artificial Intelligence. Senior researcher international R&D projects.
2005 – 2006 T-Online Telecom. Spain (ORANGE). Project Manager
Triple Play deployment of digital entertainment services at telecom Ya.com
2004 – 2005 C-COR Corp. (CommScope). EMEA. Project Manager
VoD solutions at ONO and Telefónica. Presales and support for EMEA.
2003 – 2004 nCUBE Corp. (CommScope). EMEA. Consultant
IPTV solutions. Presales consultant in Europe and support consultant EMEA.
2002 – 2003 Krop Audiovisual. (EADS Group). Technical consultant
Development and deployment of IPTV and VoD applications.
2000 – 2001 IBM Spain. Regional E-Commerce Web Producer
Deployment of B2B extranets for IBM Spain gold partners.

Clinical Psychology Experience

2019 – 2021 Clinical Psychologist – Private Practice
Private Practice Psychologist for adults.
Health Center CS16764.
2020 – 2021 Volunteer Clinical Psychologist. ANPSA. Comunidad de Madrid.
Health Center CS15190.
2020 Covid-19 Psychological Counselling Unit. Comunidad de Madrid.
2020 Covid-19 Psychological Care Service. Asociación Nacional de Psicólogos en Acción de España (ANPSA).
2018 – 2019 Clinical Psychologist Licensure Practicum. Psicólogos Pozuelo.
Health Center CS12223.
2018 – 2019 Cuentiterapia Programme Coordinator. Editorial Sentir.
2018 Hypnotherapy Practicum. Erickson Institute Madrid. Intensive program in Psychotherapy and Ericksonian Hypnosis.
2018 Coaching Psychology Practicum. Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM). Postgraduate Program in Coaching Psychology.
2016-2017 Psychotherapist Training Practicum. Gestalt, CBT and Systemic. AVT. Madrid.

Specialized Training in Psychology

08/2023 Attachment and Trauma Seminar. Ago. 2023. EUNIP.
07/2023 Food and health: a psychobiological approach. Jul. 2023. UNED.
02/2022 Managing Unconscious Bias and Building an Inclusive Culture. Feb. 2022. DataRobot.
07/2021 Personal development workshops Embrace the light that comes through the wound. Resilience and Hope. Summer School 2021. Ávila. UNED.
11-12/2020 Psychoanalysis of Sexuality. Grupo Cero / UNED.
03-07/2020 Expert in personality disorders. Spanish Association for the Promotion and Development of Psychotherapy.
03-06/2020 Grief Process Specialist.  Madrid Psychological Association (COP).
02/2020 Relationship Conflict and Violence.  Madrid Psychological Association (COP).
02/2020 Advances and New Challenges in Child Sexual Abuse and Maltreatment.  Madrid Psychological Association (COP).
09-12/19 MBSR-Based Mindfulness for Stress Reduction. Educare.
09-10/18 Data Protection in Psychology: Practical Guide. Colegio Oficial de Psicólogos.
08/2017 Intervention in Psycho-oncology, Sexuality, Family Mediation, NLP, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Coaching. Summer School 2017. Guadalajara. Positivamente.
07/2017 Personal development workshops Trust and Compasion or Fear? Keys from positive psychology and integrative psychology. Summer School 2017. Ávila. UNED.
02/2017 E-Prime. Psychology Software Tools. Psychology of Perception. Departamento de Psicología Básica I. UNED.
01-05/17 Psychological First Aid. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Coursera.
09/2016 Third Wave Psychotherapies for anxiety, depresion, chronic pain and couples therapy. Positivamente. Madrid.
07/2016 The Awakening of the Great Force… Love:Personal Growth Workshops. UNED Summer School. Barco de Ávila.
07/2016 The Psychology of Seduction. UNED Summer School. Madrid.
04/2016 Advanced coaching for instructors. UNED Madrid-Sur Continuing Education Program.
12/2015 Storytelling. Using narrative to communicate and persuade. UNED Cont. Education.
04/2015 Concept and Treatment of Psychological Trauma and Dissociation. Fund. Cult. Santa Teresa, C.A. UNED Ávila.
12/2014 MBSR (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction 8-Week training) by Saki Santorelly and Florence Meleo-Meyer. University of Massachusets Medical School.
04/2013 Positive Psychology: Theoretical Framework and Practical Applications. UNED Cont. Education.
06/2008 Interpersonal Relations and Conflict Resolution. Universidad de Cádiz.

International Doctoral Training

Visiting postdoc intern at the International Research-Centered Summer School in Cognitive Systems and Interactive Robotics, Data and Content Analysis. NCSR “Demokritos”, ATC and IRML. Athens, Greece (08/2013).
Extending Sensorymotor Contingencies to Cognition. eSMCs Summer School 2011. The Future of Embodied Mind. San Sebastián, Spain (09/2011). EU FP7/EuCog II.
Neuronal Dynamics Approaches to Cognitive Robotics. Fall School at the Institut für Neuroinformatik – Rhur Universität Bochum. Germany (10/2010).
Visiting Research Fellow at the Sackler Center for Consciousness Science. (Supervisors: Anil Seth and Owen Holland). University of Sussex. UK. (06-10/2019).
PhD Intern at Nokia Research Center. Machine Consciousess Research Programme (Supervisor: Pentti Haikonen). Helsinki. Finland. (08/2008).
Undergraduate visiting researcher at the Mobile and Marine Robotics Research Center (Supervisor: Daniel Toal). ECE. University of Limerick. Ireland. (09/2001-06/2002).

Awards, Honors & Scholarships

2024 IE University. Prize for Teaching Excellence for the 2023-24 academic year. Oct. 2024.
2017 Serendeepia Research S.L. accepted in the Y Combinator startup acceleration and seed funding program. Sep. 2018.
2017 Awarded Three-yearly Increment – Trienio 2017/HUMTRI-37582. Associate Professor. Carlos III University of Madrid. UC3M. Oct. 2017.
2017 Awarded Three-yearly Increment – Trienio 2017/HUMTRI-32149. Associate Professor. Carlos III University of Madrid. UC3M. Sep. 2017.
2017 Associate Professor awarded fellowship in the Department of Computer Science. Carlos III University of Madrid. Public tender 2017/D/DE/TD/1. UC3M. 2017.
2013 Best Research Project Award. (Robust Distributed Human-Machine Cognitive Systems) NCSR “Demokritos”. Athens. IRSS 2013.
2013 Postdoc summer scholarship. Cognitive Robotics, Social Media & Digital Preservation. NCSR “Demokritos”. Athens. IRSS 2013.
2012 “Torres Quevedo” Postdoctoral Fellowship. Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. National Plan for R&D and Innovation. Spain. (MICINN-PTQ Fellowship 2012-2015).
2012 Alumni Excellence Award 2012. (Professional and entrepreneurship excellence award for alumni graduated before 2006). UC3M Social Council. Madrid, May 2012.
2011 Accésit Madri+d Prize for Comaware to the Best Technology-Based Business Idea. Madrid, Nov. 2011.
2011 Winner team of the 5th edition of the Ideas UC3M Enterpreneurs Contest (Comaware team of Jorge Muñoz and Raúl Arrabales). UC3M Business Incubator Technology Park. Madrid, Jul. 2011.
2011 CEC 2011 Human-Like Bots competition winner team (Conscious-Robots team of Jorge Muñoz and Raúl Arrabales). IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation. New Orleans, June 2011.
2011 Winner team (Jorge Muñoz y Raúl Arrabales) of the VIII edition of the EOI entrepreneur competition. Prize: 18.000 EUR scholarship for a master programme and a trip to Silicon Valley. [Post] [Pics]. Madrid, March 2011.
2010 Popular science essay contest Ensaya 2010: “V Certamen Teresa Pinillos de divulgación científica y humanística”.
– Special prize in Psychology from the Spanish Society of Experimental Psychology and
– Special prize in IT from the Chair of Innovation, Technology and Knowledge
[Essay PDF] [Pics]. Logroño, November 2010.
2010 2K BotPrize 2010 competition winner team (Conscious-Robots team of Jorge Muñoz and Raúl Arrabales). Cash prize of A$2,000 plus a trip to 2K studio [Pics] [Video]. IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games. Copenhagen, August 2010.
2009 Travel award from UC3M for research internships. UK. 2009 (Movilidad de investigadores en centros extranjeros).
2008 PhD Internship from Nokia Research Center. Finland. 2008.
2001 Erasmus programme travel grant from European Commision for Education and Training. Ireland. 2001.

Research Grants

2013 – 2015 MEMENTO – Big Data Platform for Analytics and Storage in the Cloud. Researcher. 2013-2015.
2013 – 2014 Desafío BotPrize: Hacia una nueva generación de personajes virtuales. Investigador. 2013-2014.
2011 – 2013 Fusión Sensorial para el Análisis de Maniobras en Entornos Urbanos para ADAS. Investigador. 2011-2013.
2011 – 2011 Detección de Objetos Móviles en Entornos Dinámicos mediante la Fusión de Datos aplicando Conjuntos de Clasificadores. Investigador. 2011.
2010 – 2012 Trainutri. Training and Nutrition Senior Social Platform. European Union – Ambient Assisted Living Programme. Investigator.
2008 – 2009 Normalizator. Corrección y Normalización de Direcciones Postales. Art. 83 Contract. Sigma Data Services. Investigator.
2007 – 2010 Sistema de Detección de Peatones, Ciclistas y Motoristas – Fusión Sensorial. Plan Nacional de I+D+I. Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia. Referencia TRA-2007-67374-C02-02. Investigator.
2001 – 2002 Autonomous Underwarer Vehicle Artificial Intelligence for Underwater Filming and Inspection. Enterprise Ireland Strategic Research. Grant 2000-2002. Undergraduate investigator.

Teaching Innovation Projects

2017/18 UniversityHack 2018 Datathon. Center Coordinator ICEMD.
2016/17 Design and development of the official Master in Artificial Intelligence. International University of La Rioja (UNIR). Author of the official ANECA study plan and report.
2010/11 Implementation of a mutual rating system for continuous assessment in a practice-oriented course. Participant.
2009/10 European Virtual Space: virtual agents for competence teaching-learning process. Participant.

Official Certifications and Accreditations

DataRobot API I Python. 2021.
DataRobot Ethical AI. 2021.
DataRobot DataPrep 2021.
DataRobot AutoML. 2021.
DataRobot MLOps. 2021.
DataRobot Time Series Modeling. 2021.
DataRobot Visual AI. 2021.
ANECA Profesor Universidad Privada. 2014.
ANECA Profesor Contratado Doctor. 2014.
ANECA Profesor Ayudante Doctor. 2011.
ANECA Profesor Colaborador. 2011.
PMI Project Management Professional, PMP Certified 2006-2011.

University Teaching Experience

Bachelors Degree Emerging Topics in Data Analytics and Management. Bachelor in Data and Business Analytics, IE University. Year: 2023-24.
Bachelors Degree Personality and Emotion for AI Design. Bachelor of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, IE University. Year: 2023-24.
Masters Degree Neurocience applied to Marketing. International MBA, MITB. ESIC Business & Marketing School. Year: 2020-21.
Masters Degree Artificial General Intelligence. Master in Business Analytics and Big Data. IE (Instituto de Empresa) School of Human Sciences and Technology. Year: 2019, 2020, 2021.
Masters Degree Artificial Intelligence. Master in Business Analytics and Big Data. IE (Instituto de Empresa) School of Human Sciences and Technology. Year: 2018, 2019.
Masters Degree Cognitive Neuroscience. Master in Artificial Intelligence. UNIR. Year: 2017-18, 2018-19, 2019-20, 2020-21.
Masters Degree From Big Data to Information. Master in Teaching Technology and Digital Skills. UNIR. Year: 2017-18.
Masters Degree Big Data Engineering. Máster Universitario en Análisis y Visualización de Datos Masivos. UNIR. Year: 2017; 2018.
Postgraduate Pr. Natural Language Processing & Text Analytics. PEDS. Programa Experto en Data Science. Universidad Camilo José Cela. Year: 2017.
In-Company Training Big Data Analytics Projects. Hi-Performace. Grupo ICA. Ed. 2017.
Máster Deep Learning. Máster Data Science. K-School. Cursos: 2017, 2018.
Máster Text Analytics, Google Cloud, Machine Learning (Spark ML). Máster Big Data. K-School. Cursos: 2017, 2018.
Masters Degree Natural Language Processing and Text Analytics. Master Executive in Data Science and Big Data for Finance. Afi School of Finance. Academic year: 2017.
Professional Workshops. Machine Learning and Stream Processing. Professional workshops. Hi-Performance Institute. Academic year: 2017.
In-Company Training. Data Science Projects II. From Data Mining to Data Science Master. BBVA Campus. IBM Training. Academic year: 2016-17.
Undergrad. Course. Operating Systems. Degree in Digital Content Engineering. Camilo José Cela University. Academic year: 2016-17, 2017-18.
Masters Degree Innovation, Transformation and Entrepreneurship. Master in Digital Business (Valencia). ICEMD – ESIC. Academic year: 2016.
Masters Degree Stream Processing (Apache Spark). Master Executive in Business Intelligence and Big Data. MBIT School. Academic year: 2016, 2017
In-Company Training. Big Data Fundamentals. IBM Training.
Academic year: 2016, 2017.
Specialization Pr. Data Science and Data Management. Specialization program on Data Mining and Customer Intelligence. ICEMD – ESIC. Academic year: 2015, 2016, 2017.
Executive Pr. Machine Learning. Executive Program in Internet of Things (EPIoT). The Valley Digital Business School. Academic year: 2016; 2017.
Masters Degree Neuromarketing. Máster Digital Business (MDB+). The Valley Digital Business School. Academic year: 2016.
Masters Degree Big Data Project Management. Master in Open Source Data Analytics (Big Data Analytics for Economic Intelligence). UFV.
Academic year: 2015-16
Postgraduate Pr. Machine Learning. Big Data Analytics Postgraduate Program. ESIC.
Academic year: 2015-16; 2016-17; 2017-18; 2018-19; 2019-20; 2020-21.
Postgraduate Pr. Big Data and Business Analytics. Innovation in Digital Economy Postgraduate Program. ESIC. Academic year: 2015-16; 2016-17; 2017-18; 2018-19; 2019-20.
Postgraduate Pr. Business Analytics in Retail. Retail Marketing Postgraduate Program. ESIC. Academic year: 2014-15.
Masters Degree IoT Analytics. Master Executive in Data Science. MBIT School.
Academic year: 2014-15; 2015-16; 2016-17.
Masters Degree Open Source Big Data Platforms. Master Executive in Business Intelligence and Big Data. MBIT School. Academic year: 2014-15; 2015-16; 2016-17; 2017-18.
Undergrad. course Artificial Intelligence in Business. Bachelor in Informatics Engineering. UC3M. Academic year: 2006-07; 2007-08;  2011-12.
Undergrad. course Artificial Intelligence Applications for Systems Control. Bachelor in Informatics Engineering. UC3M. Academic year: 2010-11.
Undergrad. course Theory of Computation I. Degree in Computer Engineering. UC3M. Academic year: 2010-11.
Undergrad. course Language Processors II. Degree in Computer Engineering. UC3M. Academic year: 2006-07; 2007-08; 2008-09; 2009-10; 2010-11; 2011-12.
Undergrad. course Technology for Designers. Degree in Interactive Product Design. Universidad Camilo José Cela. Academic year: 2013-14.

Conference Program Committee Membership

AISB/ACAP 2012 Symposium: Revisiting Turing and his Test at AISB/ACAP 2012
MC 2011 Machine Consciousness 2011 at AISB 2011.
BICA 2011 International Conference on Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures 2011.
BICS 2010 Brain-Inspired Cognitive Systems Conference 2010.
CIIT 2009-10 Conferencia Ibero-Americana de Ingeniería e Innovación Tecnológica (CIIIT 2009, 2010).
ISA 2008-10 IADIS International Conference – Intelligent Systems and Agents (ISA 2008, 2009, 2010).
MSM 2009 1st International Workshop on Mining Social Media (MSM09 – CAEPIA 2009).
IMETI 2008-11 International Multi-Conference on Engineering and Technological Innovation (IMETI 2008, 2010, 2011).

Conference Organizing Committee

ISNIAI 2009 2nd International Seminar on New Issues of Artificial Intelligence.
EAIS 2012 2012 IEEE Conference on Evolving and Adaptive Intelligent Systems.
BICA 2012 Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures 2012.
ECAL 2013 Artificial Consciousness Workshop at ECAL 2013.

Journal Refereeing

IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics – Part C: Applications and Reviews.
IEEE Transactions on Computational Intelligence and AI in Games.
Journal of Consciousness Studies.
Springer – Evolving Systems.
IEEE Access.

Journal Editorial Board Member

International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence (IJIMAI).
International Journal of Machine Consciousness (IJMC).

Evaluation Committees

2008-2009 External evaluator for Proyectos de Investigación Básica del Plan Gallego de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación Tecnológica (INCITE) de la Xunta de Galicia (2008, 2009).

Ph.D. Thesis Committee Member

2013 Carlos Hernandez Corbato. Model-based Self-awareness Patterns for Autonomy. Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM).
2013 Jesús Oliva Gonzalo. Modelo Computacional Cognitivo de la Adquisición de la Morfología Verbal. Aplicación a la Caracterización y Diagnóstico de Transtornos Cognitivos. Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED).

Academic Supervision

Master Thesis (Oct. 2018). “Artificial Intelligence Solutions for Caregiving in Anxiety and Depression“. Iván Serrano de Luz, Carmen González-Conde Máiz, Miguel Ángel García Angarita, Álvaro Muñoz Gómez (Master in Business Intelligence and Data Science. UAH).

Master Thesis (Sep. 2017) “Smart Cities and Big Data. Digital Transformation in Cities“. Javier Arranz (Máster Marketing Digital. ESIC).

Master Thesis (Nov. 2016) “Big Data. Tecnología Wearable en el Calzado Deportivo“. Javier Castell Velasco y Francisco Fraile Sainz (Máster Marketing Digital. ESIC).

FYP (Feb. 2012) “Sistema de Realidad Aumentada para Aplicaciones Android“. Natalia Mercedes Fernández Sánchez (Ingeniero Técnico de Telecomunicación).

FYP (Jan. 2012) “Desarrollo de la lógica de un videojuego de plataformas en Android“. Juan Luís Campins Frau (Ingeniero Técnico de Telecomunicación).

FYP (Jan. 2012) “Desarrollo de un Motor Gráfico 3D para Videojuegos de Plataformas en Android“.
Autor: Cristina Mingueza Balsalobre (Ingeniero Técnico de Telecomunicación).

FYP (Nov. 2011) “Diseño y Desarrollo en Java de una herramienta de gobierno y cumplimiento TI basada en COBIT e ITIL“. José Alejandro Parreño Olivas (Ingeniero en Informática).

FYP (Abr. 2011) “Detección Automática de Peatones para la Asistencia a la Conducción Utilizando Fusión Sensorial“. Almudena Dominguez Fernández (Ingeniera en Informática).

FYP (Nov. 2009) “Sistema de Navegación Local en Entornos Urbanos para un Vehículo Autónomo“.
Autor: Juan José Rodríguez Castaño (Ingeniero Técnico en Informática de Gestión).

FYP (Sep. 2009) “Sistema de Atención Visual para la Detección de Puntos Topológicos de Referencia“. Andrés Duque Fernández (Ingeniero en Informática).

FYP (Jul. 2009) “Diseño e Implementación de un Personaje Sintético Inteligente para un Videojuego de Acción en Primera Persona“. Francisco Jesús González López (Ingeniero en Informática).

FYP (Jul. 2009) “Creación de un Entorno 3D para Simulación de Tráfico Urbano“. Víctor Romero Pérez (Ingeniero en Informática).

FYP (Jul. 2009) “Utilización de la Herramienta Microsoft Robotics Developer Studio en la Competición Imagine Cup ’09“. Álvaro Fernández Díaz (Ingeniero en Informática).

FYP (Apr. 2009) “Diseño y Simulación de un Robot Asistente para Personas Invidentes“. Paula Berrio Martínez (Ingeniero Técnico de Telecomunicación, esp. Sistemas de Telecom.).

FYP (Apr. 2009) “Diseño y Desarrollo de una Aplicación Web para Gestión Docente“. Luís Álvarez Álvarez (Ingeniero Técnico de Telecomunicación, especialidad Telemática).

FYP (Dec. 2007) “Sistema de Detección Visual de Obstáculos para un Robot Móvil Autónomo“. Iván Bernabé Sánchez (Ingeniero en Informática).

Other Departamental and University Service

2012-2014 Institutional representative in the university promotion program for secondary school. UCJC. Madrid (2012/2013 – 2013/2014).
2008-2010 Institutional representative in the university promotion program for secondary school. UC3M. Madrid (2008/2009 – 2009/2010).

Web Sites and Online Services

2019/20 Psicobōtica. www.psicobotica.com/en/
2006/20 Founder and editor in chief of www.Conscious-Robots.com
2008/14 ounder and coordinator of MC-Papers Online Database, a searchable compilation of selected papers on Machine Consciousness
2010/14 Founder and editor in chief of www.ConsScale.com

Open Source Software Projects

Open source projects available at https://github.com/raul-arrabales/

Additional Training

Evaluating and Debugging Generative AI. DeepLearning.AI (08/2023).
Mastering RLHF with AWS: A Hands-on Workshop on Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback. DeepLearning.AI (08/2023).
Generative AI with Large Language Models. Coursera (08/2023).
LangChain: Chat with Your Data. DeepLearning.AI (04/2023).
LangChain for LLM Application Development. DeepLearning.AI (07/2023).
Building Systems with the ChatGPT API. DeepLearning.AI (04/2023).
ChatGPT Prompt Engineering for Developers. DeepLearning.AI (04/2023).
Dog Emotion and Cognition. Duke University (03/2023).
What is the Metaverse? Meta (02/2023).
Git and GitHub. Google (03/2023).
Validity: Factor Analysis & Structural Equation Modeling. UNIR (04/2020-06/2020).
The Voice as a Tool. Connective Technique. UNED Continuing Education (03/2020-04/2020).
Education and University. An interdisciplinary approach. Science, Engineering, Humanities and Society. University of Zaragoza (07/2016).
Introduction to Astronomy. UNED Continuing Education (06/2016).
Health & Safety Training. Accenture Training (08/2015).
Code of Business Ethics. Accenture Training (07/2015).
Avoiding Insider Trading. Accenture Training (07/2015).
Information Security Course. Accenture Training (07/2015).
Social Media Training. Accenture Training (07/2015).
Speaking Analytics Series. IoT Analytics. Accenture Digital (05/2015).
Avoiding corruption. Accenture Training. (04/2015).
Competing fairly: avoiding unfair competition. Accenture Training (04/2015).
Tech-based Entrepreneurship Training Workshops. EOI – Trikarti – Parque UC3M (09/2011 – 01/2012).
R: A tool for statistical data analysis. UC3M. Madrid (04/2010).
Intellectual Property and Copyright in Digital Publications. UC3M. Madrid (04/2009).
Specialized Information Resources. UC3M Library. Madrid (02/2009).
Collaborative Tools and Internet Video Streaming. Audiovisual Services. UC3M. Madrid (07/2008).
A Day at a Conference. Intensive English Course. L*T*S and Human Resources UC3M. Madrid (02/2008).
Intelectual and Industrial Property Protection. Patents. Parque Científico UC3M. Madrid (05/2007).
Teaching with the Internet. UC3M. Madrid (03/2007).
Best teaching practices semminar. UC3M. Madrid (02/2007).
Teaching Skills Workshop. UC3M. Madrid (02/2007).
Microsoft TV IPTV Edition 1.1. Alcatel University. Alcatel Spain. Madrid (04/2006).
PMI PMP® Certification programme. International Institute for Learning. Madrid (07/2005).
Video on Demand Technology – nCUBE Solutions. nCUBE Headquarters. Portland, OR. (08/2002).
Analysis of Consumer Behaviour. Consumer Motivation and Values. Smart Force Ltd. Dublin. (08/2001).
E-Commerce Strategy for Large Account Extranets. IBM Sales & Support Centre. Dublin. (04/2001).
TCP/IP and Web applications development. Arenal Informática, S.A. Madrid (12/1998).
Business processes of a dot.com business. Universidad Oberta de Cataluña. Madrid (09/1998).

Technical & Methodological Skills

Generative AI: LLMs, Prompt Engineering, RAG, RLHF, Fine Tuning PEFT, Lang Chains, ReAct.
B2B Sales: Pipeline Gen., MEDDIC, PoV planning & execution, Business Value Assessment.
Cognitive Science: Cognitive/Clinical Psychology, Artificial Intelligence, Psychobiology.
Data Science
: Research Design, NLP, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, TF, KNIME, Python.
BI & Big Data Analytics: Hadoop, Spark, Spark MLlib, Hortonworks, Cloudera, etc.
Business Development: New Business Development, Strategy & Business Plan design.
Project Management and SCM: PMP. Agile SW Development, Scrum.
E-Learning & LMS: Moodle, Blackboard, BB Collaborate, Sakai, Adobe Connect, MOOCs.
Digital Media & Entertainment: VoD, IPTV, Gamification, Serious Games, Comp. Games.
Software Engineering: ESA Sw Standards, UML.
Programming: Java, Python, C#, R, C++, RDS, JS, HTML, CSS, SQL, PHP.
Web applications and CMS: Joomla, Drupal, WordPress, MySQL.
Operating Systems: Linux, Transit, Solaris, Windows, CentOS, Android.
Internetworking & Cloud: TCP/IP, Web Services, RESTful API design, Google Cloud.


Sanitas (BUPA). Member of the Customer Advisory Board D2020 – Disruptive innovation in health.
COP / Sección de Psicología Clínica y de la Salud – Madrid Psychological Association: M-32807.
COP – Madrid Psychological Association: M-32807.
EuCogIII – Member 3rd European Network for the Advancement of Artificial Cognitive Systems, Interaction and Robotics.
Project Management Institute. PMI ID: 614238.
IEEE Computational Intelligence Society. Member of the Task Force on Towards Human-Like Intelligence.
AAAI – Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence.
EuCogII – Member 2nd European Network for the Advancement of Artificial Cognitive Systems, Interaction and Robotics.
Retecog – Member Red Temática de Ciencias Cognitivas.


– Please see publications page.

See Raul Arrabales LinkedIn Profile

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