Aaron Sloman
School of Computer Science
The University of Birmingham
Birmingham, B15 2TT
England, UK
1991-2005: Catedrático de Inteligencia Artificial y Ciencia Cognitiva.
Since 2005: Catedrático Honorífico de Inteligencia Artificial y Ciencia Cognitiva.
Sus intereses de investigación y su trabajo está muy relacionado con el campo de la consciencia artificial. Este es un extracto de su página web:
[…] In particular I try to show that many of our ordinary mental concepts, e.g. «consciousness», «emotion», «belief», «desire», «intention», «intelligence», and other cognitive and affective concepts are partly confused `cluster concepts’ which can be clarified and refined (not eliminated) if we think of them as implicitly referring to an architecture which supports a variety of types of states and processes. […]
Página personal de Aaron Sloman.